Focus on Tanzanian Communities – Tanzania

Since its inception in 1997, The Foundation For A Better World has supported the mission of Focus on Tanzanian Communities (FoTZC) to overcome economic and social challenges in Tanzania by partnering with local communities to support education, healthcare, women’s empowerment and other sustainable community development initiatives.



In collaboration with FoTZC, we have supported the construction of over 75 school classrooms, housing for 42 accredited teachers, and four student dormitories with furniture, latrines and laundry facilities. Each year over 10,000 students are educated in FoTZC-built classrooms.



We have also supported numerous FoTZC healthcare projects for villages along the Serengeti. A medical dispensary in the remote area of Sukenya provides basic preventive and curative healthcare to the local population. The medical staff sees over 400 patients a month and has safely delivered more than 700 babies since 2015.



Our partnership with FoTZC helps to bring clean, safe drinking water to thousands of rural Tanzanians. While preventing numerous water-borne diseases, this also helps girls stay in school rather than spending hours each day trekking for water.


Women’s Empowerment

The Community Conservation Banking (COCOBA) program provides micro-loans and entrepreneurship training so that women can start their own businesses. Launched in 2015, when only five women had their own businesses, there are now over 300 women-owned businesses.

Many use the income for school supplies and uniforms, and they are able to buy healthier food for their families. Not only does that help them provide for their loved ones, it gives them a voice in their communities.

Focus on Tanzanian Communities plays a major role in providing opportunities and improving the lives of thousands of men, women and children in remote Tanzanian villages.


Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation – Clinical Trial Fund